
Installing an integrated enterprise system requires the implementation team to correctly execute successful methodologies according to global standards.

The Viragostar Technology Development Co. uses successful PLM and ERP system installation and development methodologies according to the customer’s software and specialty, including PERFORM, RUP, Agile, ASAP, and tens of global standards in various engineering and management fields to ensure the customer that all implementation activities will be carried our within the schedule specified at the start, and that the enterprise will witness the positive results of migration to the integrated system according to the specified requirements with the lowest error and rework.

For example, PLM and ERP systems have powerful tools for managing business objectives, applications, and enterprise projects as well as product portfolios that include project identification, prioritization, adoption, management, and control, various product types, projects, and other related matters to obtain the strategic enterprise objectives.
The existing structure and logic in these modules is fully compatible with PMI standards (the American Project Management Institute), including PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and Portfolio Management, Project Management Maturity Model, and Practice Standard for Scheduling, which are currently employed by large companies around the world.

In system engineering and document control, all tool implementation and training procedures are in compliance with OMG (Management Group) and INCOSE (International Council on System Engineering), and all the activities in these fields are conducted by our specialist teams according to the standards set by the organization, which standardizes procedures and organizational culture for scientific progress, improving procedures, and increasing efficiency.

Contact us for details on PLM and ERP system implementation methods.