
The progress of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, automation, internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data analysis, network communications, machine learning, and cloud computing have brought about significant changes in our work and interaction with customers. These emerging technologies continuously present very advanced industrial solutions that support the creation, production, and delivery of machinery, equipment, and complex and efficient components.

In the coming era, achieving the Made-to-Order motto is made possible with advanced digital production systems.

Nowadays, reducing investment costs delays new equipment purchases by companies and stresses the importance of repairing and maintaining the current equipment. To create demand, machinery producers have to offer new products with more features to entice customers to purchase.

To this important end, design complexity should be controlled, products have to be integrated, and product manufacturing and development processes should be made to coincide.

Using universal PLM and ERP systems helps machinery producers to shorten their product release time and facilitate systematic repair and maintenance according to a database shared with the manufacturer and suppliers.

Customers demand products that are adjusted and customized according to their specific needs without the added delivery cost. These high expectations have forced industrial equipment producers to become leaner and more flexible to meet the personal and complex needs of each customer.

Universal PLM and ERP systems are the only solutions for producers to have a closer cooperation with customers in a shared environments and will bring about customized solutions, improved efficiency, and reduced costs.

Become leaner by creating continuous and multilateral interaction in the supply and manufacturing system.

Deliver customized products to the market faster and at competitive prices.

Increase your return on investment by achieving economical and efficient mass production.

Improve customer satisfaction and after-sale revenue.

Transfer the supply and maintenance requirements of the machinery involved in the manufacturing process.

Include the machinery supply and maintenance requirements in the manufacturing process

Reduce equipment down-time and improve their performance.

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